Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sweet-Surprise Calzone (Apple & Almond Filling)

It's my third baby which is made of pizza dough! and i'm totally in heaven..
Those 3 recipes came out perfect and gorgeus.. Haha

By the way Icha, kamu harus bertanggung jawab sama makanan yang dibuat loh ya.. Oke, dua harian ini aku harus mensugesti diri biar nggak bosen makan 3 jenis kue dari jenis adonan yang sama. Yap, karena dalam sehari itu aku berhasil bikin 3 resep. Starts from Foccacia Bread, Garlic Knots, and the last one.. Sweet Calzone! Senang.. dan kenyang.. terlalu kenyang lebih tepatnya :|

FYI, Calzone itu sendiri dikenal sebagai folded-pizza. Jadi filling-nya harusnya yaa sama persis kayak topping pizza pada umumnya. Dan bagi yang sudah nyobain calzone, jangan keburu heran karena filling calzone yang aku buat ini versi manis.. dan ternyata cocok loh! Awalnya sih biar nggak bosen, kan dua resep sebelumnya uda versi savory semua.

Say hello to the apple filling.. peek a boo!

If you've read my older posts, i bet you'll wonder why i love to put both cinnamon and sugar almost in all my sweet recipes..
Well, just because it's that simple but always give a great shot! The smell, the taste, they got it. No-offense..
Begitu juga di resep calzone yang satu ini, lagi-lagi ada duet cantik antara gula dan kayu manis bubuk. Jangan mengira bakal bosen, because it's sooo dang good :9

Here, take the recipe

Adonan Pizza, klik di sini
Apel Granny Smith 1 buah, iris dengan tebal 1/2 cm.
Kacang Almond Sangrai 75 gr
Gula Pasir 4 sdm
Kayu Manis Bubuk 1 sdt
Tepung Terigu 1 1/2 sdm
Garam secukupnya

Telur 1 butir, dikocok
Gula Pasir, Kayu Manis Bubuk, dan Air secukupnya

1. Giling adonan pizza menggunakan rolling pin, membentuk lingkaran dengan tebal sekitar 1 cm. Tempatkan pada loyang yang telah dialasi parchment paper.
2. Campur irisan apel dan kacang almond, aduk rata.
3. Campur gula pasir, kayu manis bubuk, tepung terigu, dan garam dalam wadah. Masukkan campuran ini pada irisan apel, aduk merata.
4. Taruh filling apel pada setengah area dari gilingan adonan, dan sisakan sekitar 2 cm di pinggirannya. Lipat adonan membentuk setengah lingkaran dan bentuk ujungnya seperti lipatan pada kue pastel.
5. Campur kocokan telur dengan seikit air, oleskan pada permukaan adonan.
6. Taburi permukaan adonan dengan campuran gula pasir dan kayu manis.
7. Iris tipis sebanyak 3-5 kali pada permukaan adonan, untuk mencegah terbentuknya bubble dan pecah saat adonan dipanggang. Tunggu adonan mengembang sekitar 10-15 menit lagi sebelum dipanggang.
8. Masukkan loyang pada oven yang telah dipanaskan, panggang dengan suhu 175 derajat celcius selama 35 menit.
9. Bon Appetite!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Ichul! (that's how Bayem called you when he told us about you)

    I'm Dimach, anyway. His friend in Petruk. LOL

    Been hunting and comparing Calzones from restaurant to restaurant around Jogja. :)

    To my surprise, you've made a sweet one which i never tasted before.
    All the Calzones i tasted were all savoury (minched meat and veggies + poached egg + mozzarella in a folded dough)

    By the way, i have to say that your bread is a bit too dry and yellow-ish (aside from the fact that you sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on it)
    Did you make it that way on purpose?

    According to what i tasted. Calzone bread is always moist and white with some burnt spots on its surface. :)

    That's all what i need to say.
    It's based on what i know.
    Don't take it too seriously.

    Well your blog is nice. I LOVE IT!
    We share a same passion in a GOOD FOOD. :)
    You have a quite impressive ability in food photography. JUST KEEP IT UP!


  3. Haloo dimach! I'm soo sorry for the late reply, selama ini cuma konsen posting resep aja, lupa sama komeng-komeng, hihi..

    Kereen ih ga ngicipin tapi bisa nebak, bener kok beneeer :D
    Yeah, i admit that my calzone bread is a bit dry, because i forgot to let the dough rise for another 15 minutes before i bake them. I don't know what possessed me at that time, how can i forgot the important rule in making bread.. haha

    Well, that's why the texture inside my bread doesn't fluff.. aand it was actually yellow btw, like you said, hahaha. Because i brushed the top with eggwash before i sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar..
    I'll try another calzone someday, maybe the savoury one, yumm

    It's nice to know that you love food-thingy just like me, hope someday i can meet you dimaach, cheers for you too~^^
